Since 2000, has offered the most extensive online aviation resource to professional pilots worldwide.We constantly continue to spread the undeniable idea that ‘knowledge is useless unless you share it’. We strongly believe in the philosophy that ‘more aviation knowledge means less accidents' is a tremendous free online aviation library, where anyone can obtain specific information on virtually any aviation related topic.-- The Smartcockpit application is a unique a tool for those pilots embarking on a type-rating as well as those needing to brush-up their knowledge for recurrent training. - The Smartcockpit application allows an unlimited access to thousands of aircraft multiple choice questionnaires that are regularly updated.- Only one price for the full package.- User friendly and ultra simple- Offline availability: you can test your knowledge whenever and wherever you are without requiring an internet connection!- NEW ! Your Smartcockpit aviation library is also available directly in your device. Just select what you want to keep for further reading and it’s done! - NEW ! Choose the number of questions and topics that you want to practice- NEW ! Analyze and track your own performance- NEW ! Error reporting process is available